Friday, August 6, 2010

Robot Unicorn Attack

This flash game is the envy of all others with intense graphics and awesome game play. It is addictive and well worth many hours of intense competition.

Graphics / 5

Genera - flash game

game play / 8

storyline / n/a

multiplayer / n/a

overall / 8

fun / 10

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Halo (pc)

This classic game is quite awesome

Type: fps
Graphics: 6
Genera: action
Gameplay: 8
Storyline: 7
Multiplayer: 8
Overall: 7
Fun: 7

This game ends up with a good score of 7, overall it is fun too play, costs very little and provides many hours of fun online gaming against your friends.

How we Review

This is how we will rate our games

type - fps, rpg...
Graphics / 10 - How good do the graphics look (all graphics will be set to low)
Genera - action, stratagy...
game play / 10 - How well does it work, many glitches etc
storyline / 10 - How well structured and interesting is te story line
multiplayer / 10 - is it an online capable game, if so how good is it
overall / 10 - how well does it do overall
fun / 10 - is it fun to play

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Welcome to our blog

We review games for your enjoyement

Please make a request and if flash game provide link.